

lunedì 11 ottobre 2010


I want to start to write something about the present.
Today is Monday October 11, ’10.
This morning I woke up at 8.45, I had my American breakfast and I went to volleyball practice.
We start the practice at 10am. We ran, and after we start to play, we try some patterns for tonight’s game. Two girls can’t play so I have to play in the back too.
Today practice was really funny.
In Italy I played in MY team for 5 year and after I changed because I moved, the new team was nice but I was not feeling well, I didn’t feel in “MY TEAM”. Here in the USA, so far and with a different language, I don’t understand how it is possible but, I FEEL IN MY TEAM.
How I can say this??? The people who know me know that I’m really at ease when I start to joke with the other! And this is happened so…YES I HAVE A NEW REAL TEAM!

Hey….you can see the difference between my Italian post and English post?? LOL in Italian I write al lot e probably better…in English my post are really short and easy! 


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